Does Forehead Augmentation Use Preformed Implants Or Molds?

Q:  I am interested in forehead augmentation to make the slope of my forehead less so and longer. I was hoping to retain my brow ridge prominence somewhat as that is a family trait…and in fact I’d like to keep the forehead looking sloped and straight as opposed to rounded and convex….keep it similar to how it is now, except for perhaps slightly raising the hair-line and moving it out a bit, while making the slope of the forehead greater, but certainly no where near convex.  In other words, just as the brow ridges end moving toward the hair line, all of that forehead area I was hoping to making steeper, but still straight and non convex, and at the very top where the hair line is i was hoping to making higher and more in line with the rest of the forehead.  Is that not possible? I don’t know how these surgeries work… in other words, I don’t know what the limitations are for the shape of the molds and their complexity…but I certainly didn’t want a drastic change in the forehead. How “complex” can the moulds be made that fit into the forehead region?  What is the potential for tweaking certain aspects? 

A: Forehead augmentation is not done by a preformed implant or a mold. It is done by cranioplasty onlay materials. These are mixed together at the time of surgery and applied like plaster of paris. It is then shaped by hand until the desired form is obtained and then allowed to set or cure. The average working time is about 10 minutes for this process. It is a very artistic technique which is why one has to have a very good idea what type of forehead shape the patient wants. You have been quite explicit as to your forehead shape desires which is good. Given the volume of material needed (at least 40 grams), PMMA (acrylic) is best for you because of the cost issue with that volume of material. 

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana