Will My Lower Lip Incompetence Improve After A BSSO and Sliding Genioplasty?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am struggling with lower lip incompetence. I did bsso and a sliding genio 4 months ago. Half of my lower lip and chin are still numb. The numb side of my lip is also a bit crooked. Talking and eating is fine. I dont have much tightness except from my scar tissue inside my lower lip. But I cant seem to close my lips at rest. I just had my braces taken out. And really hoped for improvement. But it did not get better. Will this go away? Or is this my final result?

A: More healing time will answer the question of the true final outcome, like up to one year after the surgery. I would expect much of the numbness to resolve but the lower incompetence may ne another matter.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World Renowned Plastic Surgeon