Will A Customized Orbital Implant for Vertical Orbital Dystopia Also Correct The Cheekbone Asymmetry?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am reaching out to inquiry about the Correction of Eye/Orbital Asymmetry, as you will see from the attached photos I have some degree of Vertical Orbital Dystopia on my Left Eye due to my low cheekbone on left side. My question is will a customized orbital floor that also correct left cheek bone. My wish result will be to minimize asymmetry of my upper mid face.I’m looking forward to your response!

A:Your type of orbital facial asymmetry appears more horizontal than vertical although it could be a mixture. The best way to make the proper diagnosis as well as determine what can be done is a 3D face CT scan. That will accurately show the true bony differences between the two sides as is the only way to tell how to treat the bony orbito-malar asymmetry. You never make judgments based on an external assessment only.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon