When I Smile My Chin Looks Terrible – What Can I Do?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I actually don’t hate my resting face, but when I smile I feel like my chin and maybe even jaws just look terrible.

A:The general concept here is that this is a dynamic facial problem….meaning at rest the face is fine but the problem only appears in dynamic facial motion. (e.g.,smiling) It is also important to remember that surgery is a static action not a dynamic one. In other words surgery is done on a resting face not a moving one.

That being said what I see is a bit of a vertically short chin, which at rest is very acceptable, but when smiling the soft chin pad is pulled down over it creating a dynamic chin pad ptosis. The only way to treat it would be vertical chin lengthening to prevent that dynamic chin pad ptosis. This will change the appearance of the chin at rest, making it a bit longer so one has to be certain that static facial change is acceptable. (see attached imaging)

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon