When Can I Resume Working Out After Sliding Genioplasty and Jaw Implants?

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hi, I’m considering genioplasty and jaw implants. As a professional bodybuilder, I’m concerned about how long I’ll be unable to train after the procedure and the potential complications that could arise from resuming too soon. How quickly can I safely return to the gym after having both genioplasty and jaw implants?

Also what is the risk of masseter dehiscence if I go for an implant that mostly augment the width and not so much vertically?

And my last question; when can I return to normal daily life, without people noticing I had surgery?

A: In answer  to your jaw augmentation questions:

1) You return to the gym when you feel comfortable doing so. Working out will not hurt the surgery so it is a question of soon you feel compelled to do so.

2) The risk of masseter muscle dehiscence decreases significantly when a width only angle implant augmentation is done

3) Most jaw augmentation patients start to look more non-surgical in 10- to 14 days after the surgery.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon