What Type of Facial Asymmetry Surgery Do I Need As A Result Of Untreated Occipital Plagiocephaly?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I would like to know what can and cannot be done about untreated plagiocephaly in terms of facial asymmetry surgery procedures. I am still young (19), which is why I want to explore my options now so I can put this ongoing struggle in the past. I have very noticeable facial assymetry, particularly evident in my cheeks and jaw angle. I also have some forehead assymetry as well due to the soft spot on the left back side if my head. Regardless of this, the area of immediate concern is my cheeks and jaw. The left side of my face is much more prominent and “fuller” due to the Plagiocephaly. My eyes are also assymetrical because of the different orbital positions making it seem as if I have a lazy eye when looking in certain directions. Another area of concern for me is my flat midface; it seems as if I need at method to someho w “pull out my face.” My face needs to gain a more 3D look so my eyes don’t seem deeper than they actually are. Also, as you can tell from the pictures, not only do both halves of my face look drastically different from the side, my head lacks length from the front of my head to the back, as well. I would like to gain your input on what would be the most effective methods to improve my facial features.
A: What you are describing are very typical facial findings from congenital occipital plagiocephaly. While there is a long list of facial and skull changes that can be done for our facial asymmetry surgery, the question is which ones have the greatest value and are the most economically efficient. You have pointed out the most important to you currently and that is the flatter and more deficient cheek and jaw angle on the affected side. A cheek and jaw angle implant will help in that regard. But it is important to point out that the eye on the same side is also a major focal point and addressing it with orbital floor augmentation and a corner of the eye adjustment would also be important. ideally the best way to treat all three facial skeletal issues would be a 3D CT scan to make the implants match the facial structures on the opposite side the best.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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