What Profile Implant Should I Use for My Breast Augmentation?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I’m undergoing a breast augmentation in less than a week and I like the look of your case study, breast augmentation in Asian women. I am exactly her size except a smaller breast base diameter (10.5). For reference, what profile is the implant you used? I would appreciate any info you could give me. Choosing between 260 high profile, 280 high profile, or 320 full profile (leaning toward 280).
A: Many patients get hung up when considering their breast augmentation of an implant’s profile which actually has little to no influence on the final breast shape, contrary to popular perception. The only real relevance to an implant’s profile is how it influences the base diameter with the goal of using an implant whose base diameter is no larger than one’s natural breast base width. This is the real role of high projection/profiled implants, keeping the desired volume in a very narrow chest to within the breast dimensions. Almost assuredly with a breast base diameter of only 10.5 cms, any implant volume over 225cc will need a high profile implant to accomplish that important aesthetic goal.
Not to confuse you further, as the implant manufactures do a good job of that in this regard anyway, there is no correlation between any of three manufacturer’s (Allergan, Mentor and Sientra) implants in regards to volume and their profile types.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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