What Procedures Do I Need To Have A Fuller Face?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in the procedures of jaw enhancement, facial fillers, and nosejob. I would like to achieve a more defined and symmetrical jaw line. I want a more filled out face. Perhaps cheek fillers or cheekbone reduction also?  I am not sure which approach would be best to give me a fuller face. I want facial features more similar to Brad Pitt.

A: I can see your concerns in regards to a fuller face. You have a very skeletonized face with virtually no fat between the prominent cheek bones and your jaw line. I have done some imaging based on the procedures of jaw angle implants to widen the lower posterior face, a rhinoplasty and fat injections to the sides of the face below the cheekbones down to the jawline. This combination appears to give you better facial proportions and also demonstrate that the cheekbones are not really so prominent. It is the lack of soft tissue fullness (fat) that is why you have your current facial appearance. While cheek bone reduction is an option, I used fillers just to see how the face would look without changing the width of the cheekbones. This confirms their benefit over cheekbone reduction.

The pictures are not of good enough quality to reveal what a rhinoplasty can really do but I made my best effort.

Dr. Barry Eppley
