What Is The Right Type Of Facelift For Me?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I am searching for a facelift opinion. I know you are an expert so I would value your opinion. Can a facelift correct this droopy mouth and marionette lines? I have lots of sag and volume loss. My skin seems firm with good elasticity but aging and gravity does take its toll. Is a long lasting correction possible? There are so many options for facelifts these days I don’t know which is the right one. Every doctor seems to have their way to do a facelift and they all claim their way is the best. I will only be able to financially do this once, so I’m looking for the best information to get the best outcome for me.
A: You are correct in that there seems to be many ways in which facelifts are done. And any time there are so many ways touted to do something you can be assured that there is no one single best way to do it. Nor does one facelift method work best for everyone as today’s facelift patients range anywhere from 35 to 85 years old…and simple logic would indicate that the facial aging concerns and anatomy amongst patients are quite different.
Facelifts fundamentally differ in three ways, extent (incisions and dissection), degree of SMAS manipulation and adjunctive procedures done at the same time. Putting together all these areas is what makes facelifts different and customized for each patient. But what does make them somewhat similar and serves as the basic elements of a facelift are the amount of skin flap dissection and SMAS redraping. With significant marionette lines and a droopy mouth, it is clear that you need a fuller type facelift with long skin flaps as opposed to a short scar or more limited type facelift. (e.g., Lifestyle Lift) SMAS manipulation is handled differently by various plastic surgeons but suffice it to say that extensive redraping of it is needed. Such manuevers are needed to help get rid of the marionette lines and improve the jawline and neck.
What a facelift will not do is correct droopy mouth corners. As a result, a separate small procedure will be needed with your facelift that directly treats this problem…a corner of a mouth lift.
When it comes to a ‘lasting correction’, it is important to understand that a facelift essentially buys time. It is not a permanent procedure and its effects will last years, perhaps 8 to 10 years, but eventually some or much of the correction will be lost. Facelifts help reverse the clock but they can not stop it.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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