What Is The Recovery Like From Shoulder Reduction Surgery?

Q: Dr. Eppley, ( have been interested in getting shoulder reduction surgery for the longest time and want to learn more its recovery.

A:Recovery from shoulder surgery is mainly the restriction in arm motion that is needed. In the first 2 weeks after the surgery I have patients keep their elbows close to their sides as much as possible. In essence you will be short arming with free use of forearms and hands. In the next 2 weeks the elbows can go out to 45 degrees, the following two weeks 90 degrees and thereafter one can have complete range of motion of their arms. More physical activities like sports etc one would be wise to wait to 10 to m12 weeks after the surgery. Thus recovery is not so much about pain  but about the short term arm motion limitations. Such a unique recovery requires some forethought into the immediate postoperative management right after the surgery and how quickly you can return home.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon