What Is The Difference Between A Paranasal and Premaxillary Implants?
Q: Dr. Eppley, There is no much information out there on paranasal implants. You are such treasure trove of knowledge so I will ask you this question. Someone on realself asked me whether my paranasal implants were uncomfortable, and I told her that they aren’t. This got me wondering, what exactly is the difference between a paranasal and premaxillary implant? Is the reason why my paranasal implants feel comfortable because they don’t sit on the nasal base?
A: Paranasal implants sit on the side of the nose under the nostrils along the side of the bony pyriform apertures. A premaxillary implant goes across the base of the nose under the columella and below the bony anterior nasal spine. In some cases a premaxillary implant can include the paranasal area as well or can be limited to just under the anterior nasal spine area. If properly placed at the bone level and not oversized, a premaxillary implant should be no more uncomfortable than paranasal implants. Premaxillary implants are placed by some surgeons through the nose into the soft tissues above the bone, potentially creating abnormal fullness and stiffness of the upper lip when smiling. This is not my recommended tissue location for a premaxillary implant.
Dr. Barry Eppley
North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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