What Is The Best Approach For My Undereye Hollows?

Q: Dr. Eppley,I would like to schedule a virtual consultation with Dr Eppley to ask about custom implants to fix my deep undereye hollows and lack of midface volume. I would like to hear his solution for my case.

A:Thank you for sending your pictures. You have general periorbital rim weakness/flattening which is most manifest in the infraorbital rims which is why they look so hollow. Infraorbital rim augmentation would be the best approach. (see attached imaging) The only question is whether that is best done with a custom infraorbital implant or a sheet Alloderm graft….both which can be effective. Given your young age I lean towards the latter but that is a topic up for further discussion.

But if the goal is also to have some midface volume as well then the custom midface implant is the way to go.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon