What Can Be Done To Improve My Facial Scar Revision Result?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I had done a facial scar revision on my jaw bone at mandibular line by w-plasty method because I have the problem in past my scar get created to hypertrophic scar after some month so i choose w-plasty option. Now it is 7 month completed kindly find the attach photo of my scar. Can I do some thing else to lighten the scar and match with my surrounding skin color. Currently I am using silicone Cica Care sheet at night and silicone gel in daytime with sunscreen of SPF 30. I want to reduce the redness of the scar. Please help me out.
A: Unfortunately while facial scar revision by w-plasty was a good treatment choice, you still have scar widening and a mild degree of scar hypertrophy. While it is possible that more healing time alone may help the scar redness, there is little that any type of topical scar therapy is going to improve over what you have now. Given your propensity for scar hypertrophy and your skin type, the only hope of any real improvement in the appearance of the scar is going to be through a repeat scar revision combined with 5FU injection therapy. Steroid injections with a scar revision in your skin type is too risky for skin pigmentation changes.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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