Your Questions
Your Questions
Q: Hello! Dr. Eppley performed an open brow lift for me several years ago before I moved out of state. The results are fabulous! I have a question regarding the procedure however. What material are the screws made of? I am asking as I might consider Thermage in the future, and I am not sure if this is advisable with the metal screws. Thank you!
A: When I perform an open browlift, also known as a pretrichial browlift, the uplifted side of the forehead flap is secured to the bone. This not only provides an anchoring point for the upper end of the forehead flap but also takes tension off of the hairline incision closure to prevent scar widening in what could be a visible area. With the fixation technique that I use, drill holes are made on the outer cranial cortex through which slowly resorbable sutures are passed and tied to the forehead flap. No screws, metal or resorbable, are used although this is a perfectly acceptable method of browlift flap fixation. Therefore, you should have no problem or concerns with any method of skin tightening through any device that heats the underside of the skin in the forehead after an open browlift.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana