Skull Implant

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am seeking a skull implant. The crown of my head is flattened out in the back and I would like to have the back of my head have a more rounded shape to it. I’m bald and wear a hair system that’s adhered to my scalp right now. But I am considering having scalp micropigmentation to give me a buzzed haircut look and the appearance of the back of my head is the only thing that’s stopping me right now from doing this. the scar which would be created can be hidden somewhat with the micropigmentation. On your website, you have a pic of what the back of my head somewhat looks like but maybe not as extreme so I have attached it so you can see what it looks like. If you need a more detailed pic, I would have to remove my hair system which would take time to remove it but if its needed, please let me know. I am hoping to get an approximate cost for the procedure if its something that can be realistically done. I don’t have enough donor hair to consider having a hair transplant and this to me is the next best option as I’ve always wanted as I’ve always loved the buzzed cut hair look. I hope to hear from you soon, thank you for your time.

Custom-Back-of-Head-Implant-design-Dr-Barry-Eppley-Indianapolis-300x231A: It is extremely common in men that they seek skull implant augmentation when they are either going bald, want to shave their head or permanently eliminate the need for a hair prosthesis. The fear of what their head shape looks like may drive them to seek skull shape correction. In short, I have heard your story and motivation for skull reshaping surgery numerous times.

The best approach for increasing the convexity of a flattened back of the head is a custom skull implant. This is made from a 3D CT scan. My assistant will pass along the cost of the surgery on Monday.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana