Neck Reshaping/Rejuvenation
Patient 1

Desire for less full and droopy neck, not interested in a lower facelift.
Liposuction of her neck produced a good amount of skin retraction. Not as much as a lower facelift would but enough for now until she is ready for the more definitive procedure.

Desire for less full and droopy neck, not interested in a lower facelift.
Liposuction of her neck produced a good amount of skin retraction. Not as much as a lower facelift would but enough for now until she is ready for the more definitive procedure.
Patient 2

Desire for less neck fullness.
Power-assisted neck liposuction result.

Desire for less neck fullness.
Power-assisted neck liposuction result.
Patient 3

Desire to get rid of neck fullness that did not get a lot better after weight loss.
Neck liposuction with good skin retraction as would be expected in a younger patient.

Desire to get rid of neck fullness that did not get a lot better after weight loss.
Neck liposuction with good skin retraction as would be expected in a younger patient.
Patient 4

Desire for optimal neck tightening and more defined cervicomental angle.
Submentoplasty performed which consisted of liposuction fat removal above the platysma muscle, fat excision below the muscle and midline muscle tightening.

Desire for optimal neck tightening and more defined cervicomental angle.
Submentoplasty performed which consisted of liposuction fat removal above the platysma muscle, fat excision below the muscle and midline muscle tightening.
Patient 5

Male to female transgender patient seeking tracheal reduction.
Tracheal reduction done through a direct small skin incision.

Male to female transgender patient seeking tracheal reduction.
Tracheal reduction done through a direct small skin incision.
Patient 6

Desire to have a moere defined neck and visible jawline.
Liposuction of her neck for a more visible separation between her chin/jawline and neck.

Desire to have a moere defined neck and visible jawline.
Liposuction of her neck for a more visible separation between her chin/jawline and neck.
Patient 7

Desire for non-surgical neck shaping by fat reduction.
Submental/neck fat reduction by a series of Kybella injections.

Desire for non-surgical neck shaping by fat reduction.
Submental/neck fat reduction by a series of Kybella injections.
Patient 8

Desire for non-surgical neck reshaping.
Neck fat reduction by a series of Kybella injections.

Desire for non-surgical neck reshaping.
Neck fat reduction by a series of Kybella injections.
Patient 9

Desire for major improvement in neck sagging and jowls.
Neck reshaping achieved by full lower facelift.

Desire for major improvement in neck sagging and jowls.
Neck reshaping achieved by full lower facelift.
Patient 10

Desire for a better shaped neck but not ready to undergo a lower facelift just yet.
Submentoplasty procedure which is a combination of twi levels of fat removal and muscle tightening.

Desire for a better shaped neck but not ready to undergo a lower facelift just yet.
Submentoplasty procedure which is a combination of twi levels of fat removal and muscle tightening.
Patient 11

Desire for an improved chin and neck appearance.
Neck submentoplasty combined with a chin implant.

Desire for an improved chin and neck appearance.
Neck submentoplasty combined with a chin implant.
Patient 12

Desire for less obvious tracheostomy scar appearance.
Tracheostomy scar revision with a dermal-fat graft.

Desire for less obvious tracheostomy scar appearance.
Tracheostomy scar revision with a dermal-fat graft.
Patient 13

Desire to get rid of neck wattle.
Direct necklift effect on eliminating the neck wattle.

Desire to get rid of neck wattle.
Direct necklift effect on eliminating the neck wattle.
Patient 14

Desire to get rid of turkey neck deformity.
Direct necklift to remove a turkey neck.

Desire to get rid of turkey neck deformity.
Direct necklift to remove a turkey neck.
Patient 15

Desire to get rid of large turkey neck in older male.
Extend direct necklift for removal of large neck wattle.

Desire to get rid of large turkey neck in older male.
Extend direct necklift for removal of large neck wattle.
Patient 16

Desire to get rid of age-related turkey neck.
Direct necklift for turkey neck removal.

Desire to get rid of age-related turkey neck.
Direct necklift for turkey neck removal.
Patient 17

Desire to get rid of neck wattle.
Direct necklift for neck reshaping.

Patient 18

Older female who wanted to get rid of her turkey neck but didn't want a lower facelift to do so.
Immediate effect of direct necklift.

Older female who wanted to get rid of her turkey neck but didn't want a lower facelift to do so.
Immediate effect of direct necklift.
Patient 19

Desire to reduce the appearance of her neck webbing
Immediate effect of webbed neck surgery.

Desire to reduce the appearance of her neck webbing
Immediate effect of webbed neck surgery.
Patient 20

Older male who and to get rid of his turkey neck.
Extended direct necklift for removal of his turkey neck deformity.

Older male who and to get rid of his turkey neck.
Extended direct necklift for removal of his turkey neck deformity.
Patient 21

Desire to improve her webbed neck appearance.
Immediate effect of webbed neck surgery.

Desire to improve her webbed neck appearance.
Immediate effect of webbed neck surgery.
Patient 22

Desire to get rid of large neck wattle.
Immediate effect of direct necklift to remove a large turkey neck.

Desire to get rid of large neck wattle.
Immediate effect of direct necklift to remove a large turkey neck.
Patient 23

Desire to improve shape of aging neck
Submentoplasty for improvement of age-related neck fullness/sag.

Desire to improve shape of aging neck
Submentoplasty for improvement of age-related neck fullness/sag.
Patient 24

Desier for neck and jowl rejuvenation.
Full lower facelift (neck-jowl lift) to create a more visible neck and jawline.

Desier for neck and jowl rejuvenation.
Full lower facelift (neck-jowl lift) to create a more visible neck and jawline.
Patient 25

Desire to improve the shape of her neck with 'minimal' surgery.
The effect of neck liposuction on the ability of the skin to retract.

Desire to improve the shape of her neck with 'minimal' surgery.
The effect of neck liposuction on the ability of the skin to retract.
Patient 26

Desire for improved neck shape with a ore visible tracheal bulge.
Submental liposuction with tracheal augmentation using a special designed implant.

Desire for improved neck shape with a ore visible tracheal bulge.
Submental liposuction with tracheal augmentation using a special designed implant.
Patient 27

Desire for improvement of webbed neck.
Immediate effect of webbed neck correction.

Desire for improvement of webbed neck.
Immediate effect of webbed neck correction.
Patient 28

Older male who wanted a less full neck.
Neck ilposuction effect on reducing his neck fullness.

Older male who wanted a less full neck.
Neck ilposuction effect on reducing his neck fullness.
Patient 29

Desire for slimmer neck and sharper cervicomental angle.
Lower face/necklift with submentoplasty.

Desire for slimmer neck and sharper cervicomental angle.
Lower face/necklift with submentoplasty.
Patient 30

Desire to get rid of loose neck skin and improve wrinkling.
Effect of lower face/necklift loose neck and jowl skin.

Desire to get rid of loose neck skin and improve wrinkling.
Effect of lower face/necklift loose neck and jowl skin.
Patient 31

Desire to get rid of easily development if jowls and central neck sagging.
Neck-jowl tuckup procedure to smooth out jawline and neck.

Desire to get rid of easily development if jowls and central neck sagging.
Neck-jowl tuckup procedure to smooth out jawline and neck.
Patient 32

Desire for removal of fat underneath the chin.
Small cannula submental liposuction.

Desire for removal of fat underneath the chin.
Small cannula submental liposuction.
Patient 33

Desire for reduction of neck fat.
Submental and neck liposuction.

Desire for reduction of neck fat.
Submental and neck liposuction.
Patient 34

Desire to have some degree of neck reduction but did not want a necklift. (which is what she really needs for the best result.
Liposuction of the neck.

Desire to have some degree of neck reduction but did not want a necklift. (which is what she really needs for the best result.
Liposuction of the neck.
Patient 35

Desire for neck reshaping by fat removal. While a lower facelift is a more effective procedure she wanted to see how much improvement could be obtained just by fat removal.
Neck liposuction was helpful but only so much skin can shrink down.

Desire for neck reshaping by fat removal. While a lower facelift is a more effective procedure she wanted to see how much improvement could be obtained just by fat removal.
Neck liposuction was helpful but only so much skin can shrink down.
Patient 37

Desier for less neck fullness but did not want a lower facelift.
Liposuction can reduced some of the neck fullness and the neck skull will retract to some degree. Neck liposuction in the older patient is never as effective as a facelift but can provide some improvement.

Desier for less neck fullness but did not want a lower facelift.
Liposuction can reduced some of the neck fullness and the neck skull will retract to some degree. Neck liposuction in the older patient is never as effective as a facelift but can provide some improvement.
Patient 38

Desire for reduction in fat under the chin.
Submental liposuction using small cannulas under wall suction.

Desire for reduction in fat under the chin.
Submental liposuction using small cannulas under wall suction.
Patient 39
Desire for a more visible neck.
Submental and neck liposuction.
Patient 39

Desire for reduction of large hanging neck but did not want a necklift/lower facelift.
Power-assisted liposuction in a large neck for moderate improvement.

Desire for reduction of large hanging neck but did not want a necklift/lower facelift.
Power-assisted liposuction in a large neck for moderate improvement.
Patient 40

Desire for improvement in neck shape.
Submentoplasty with neck liposuction for neck reshaping.

Desire for improvement in neck shape.
Submentoplasty with neck liposuction for neck reshaping.
Patient 41

Desire for reduction of large posterior neck buffalo hump.
Power-assisted reduction of posterior neck buffalo hump.

Desire for reduction of large posterior neck buffalo hump.
Power-assisted reduction of posterior neck buffalo hump.
Patient 42

Desire for removal of buffalo hump that developed in back of neck due to medication.
Power-assisted buffalo hump reduction.

Desire for removal of buffalo hump that developed in back of neck due to medication.
Power-assisted buffalo hump reduction.
Patient 43

Desire for reduction of an overly prominent thyroid cartilage. (Adam's apple)
Open reduction of prominent Adam's apple by cartilage shaving. (tracheal shave)

Desire for reduction of an overly prominent thyroid cartilage. (Adam's apple)
Open reduction of prominent Adam's apple by cartilage shaving. (tracheal shave)
Patient 44

Desire for removal of buffalo hump on back of neck.
Power-assisted liposuction of buffalo hump neck deformity.

Desire for removal of buffalo hump on back of neck.
Power-assisted liposuction of buffalo hump neck deformity.
Patient 45

Desire for reduction ion prominent buffalo hump on back of neck.
Ppwer-assisted liposuction reduction of buffalo hump neck deformity.

Desire for reduction ion prominent buffalo hump on back of neck.
Ppwer-assisted liposuction reduction of buffalo hump neck deformity.

Desire for improvement in severe congenital webbed neck appearance.
Webbed neck surgery with posterior approach.

Desire for improvement in severe congenital webbed neck appearance.
Webbed neck surgery with posterior approach.
Patient 47

Desire for improvement of depressed tracheostomy scar.
Depressed tracheostomy scar revision with dermal-fat graft.

Desire for improvement of depressed tracheostomy scar.
Depressed tracheostomy scar revision with dermal-fat graft.
Patient 48

Desire for reduction in appearance of congenital webbed neck.
Posterior approach to webbed neck correction with skin excision and fascial plication.

Desire for reduction in appearance of congenital webbed neck.
Posterior approach to webbed neck correction with skin excision and fascial plication.
Patient 49

Desire for improvement of congenital non-syndromic webbed neck deformity.
Webbed neck correction with new trapezius muscle flap transposition technique through a posterior neck approach.

Desire for improvement of congenital non-syndromic webbed neck deformity.
Webbed neck correction with new trapezius muscle flap transposition technique through a posterior neck approach.
Patient 50

Desire to reduce prominence tracheal bulge in central neck.
Open reduction of thyroid cartilage prominence reduction by shaving of its outer surface.

Desire to reduce prominence tracheal bulge in central neck.
Open reduction of thyroid cartilage prominence reduction by shaving of its outer surface.
Patient 51

Congenital webbed neck of adult female from Turner's syndrome....with a buffalo hump.
Webbed neck correction with a posterior approach combined with upper back and neck liposuction.

Congenital webbed neck of adult female from Turner's syndrome....with a buffalo hump.
Webbed neck correction with a posterior approach combined with upper back and neck liposuction.
Patient 52

Desire for improvement of congenital neck webs.
Posterior approach to webbed neck correction with diamond central excision and medial web translocation with facscial plication.

Desire for improvement of congenital neck webs.
Posterior approach to webbed neck correction with diamond central excision and medial web translocation with facscial plication.
Patient 53

Desire to reduce the very prominent Adam's apple of the central neck.
Through a cervicomental fold incision the Adam's apple prominence was reduced with a shave technique. As an added safety measure the vocal cords were visualized intraoperatively before and after the procedure.

Desire to reduce the very prominent Adam's apple of the central neck.
Through a cervicomental fold incision the Adam's apple prominence was reduced with a shave technique. As an added safety measure the vocal cords were visualized intraoperatively before and after the procedure.
Patient 54

Desire for improvement of long-standing deep trach scar with retraction with swallowing.
Trach scar excision and release from the trach cartilage with interpositional dermal-fat graft.

Desire for improvement of long-standing deep trach scar with retraction with swallowing.
Trach scar excision and release from the trach cartilage with interpositional dermal-fat graft.
Patient 55

Female with congenital syndromic webbed neck for correction
Near one year result from indirect posterior diamond excisional approach to the webbed neck. (had a secondary tightening revision to get this result)

Female with congenital syndromic webbed neck for correction
Near one year result from indirect posterior diamond excisional approach to the webbed neck. (had a secondary tightening revision to get this result)
Patient 56

Desire for a reduction in the appearance of her congenital neck webbing.
Posterior webbed neck surgery using an inverted T pattern technique with central triangle excision and medlalization of lateral neck webs.

Desire for a reduction in the appearance of her congenital neck webbing.
Posterior webbed neck surgery using an inverted T pattern technique with central triangle excision and medlalization of lateral neck webs.
Patient 57

Seeking further improvement after her 1st webbed neck surgery one year previously.
Second webbed neck surgery with additional central triangular scalp excision with medial movement of lateral neck webs inward.

Seeking further improvement after her 1st webbed neck surgery one year previously.
Second webbed neck surgery with additional central triangular scalp excision with medial movement of lateral neck webs inward.
Patient 58

Desire for reduction of wide visible lateral neck webs and protruding ears.
Webbed neck reduction by posterior diamond excision and setback otoplasties with concha-mastoid sutures.

Desire for reduction of wide visible lateral neck webs and protruding ears.
Webbed neck reduction by posterior diamond excision and setback otoplasties with concha-mastoid sutures.

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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