Midline Vertical Forehead Line (Scar)
Q: Dr. Eppley, I have this terrible vertical line in the middle of my forehead and I really want it gone. Can you help me?
A: Vertical wrinkles in the forehead are a result of overactivity of the corrugator supercilii muscles. These are small muscles that run obliquely from the inner aspect of the eyebrow under the more superficial frontalis muscle and pass inward towards the central area between the eyebrows to insert to the underside of the skin. When these muscle contract they pull the inner half of the eyebrow inward. With both sides pulling inward together this creates the vertical lines between the eyebrows that many people have. This is why the name corrugator supercilii, which comes from Latin, means the ‘wrinkler of the eyebrows’.
The corrugator muscles are known as the frowning muscles and they produce a variety of vertical line patterns between the eyebrows. The most common are a pair of vertical lines, known as the 11s, and is the basis for the use of Botox injections to reduce their prominence. In some people a single deep vertical line appears, just like the one you have. They are often very deep and are the hardest of all vertical forehead lines to treat.
This is definitely not scleroderma which appears more liken shallow groove and does not appear in the midline. This is a deep expressive wrinkle (deep vertical line) which shows deep inversion. I would not think some much of fixing it as it is not that simple…but treating it to make it less noticeable. This is caused by excessive muscle action but not has become a deep etched vertical line which will not be resolved by simply weakening the muscle. (e.g., Botox injections) The hardest part of its treatment is to get the deep indentation back up and level with the surrounding skin. The simplest and most effective approach, but the least appealing, is to cut out the indentation and put it back together in a geometric closure pattern. (small running w-plasty like forehead scar revision) There is no more effective long-term skin leveling strategy than this approach but it is like trading one scar pattern (indented and vertical) for another pattern. (smooth and small irregular line) One could certainly argue that this is probably a much better ‘scar pattern’ than what you have now. The alternative non-excisional treatment would be to place something under the indented scar such as fat injections, a small dermal-fat graft or temporalis fascia. This would create less of an indentation that would not be quite as deep.
As you can see, the ‘fixing it’ strategy is not what can be achieved. It can only be improved and it is just a question of how one feels about either the options of a smoother fine line scar or simply less of a vertical indentation.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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