Male Model Look
Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in chin, cheek and jaw augmentation. Like others, I am looking for exceptionally square, strong and masculine jawline to bring my facial aesthetics to the next level. I already have a fairly low body fat percentage (around 7-8%) but have always had slight TMJ on my right side and for as long as I can remember wanted to really strengthen my face.
Would I be a good candidate for a jaw, cheek, chin augmentation, and/or rhinoplasty to strengthen and balance my face? Or should I address the slight TMJ issue first? Which procedure or combination of the aforementioned would lead to the highly coveted male model facial look? I’ve attached a photo with the front and both sides of my face as well as a goal photo for reference.
A: I have done some imaging looking at rhinoplasty, cheek, and total jaw augmentation for your review. You have a good face for these type of changes because your face is already skeletonized, just disproportionate. The jawline change will require a custom wrap around jawline implant. Whether this would achieve the male model look that you desire is open to one’s interpretation
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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