Patient 1

Thinner female with desire for circumferential removal of abdominal and waistline fullness.
Abdominal and circumferential waistline liposuction.

Thinner female with desire for circumferential removal of abdominal and waistline fullness.
Abdominal and circumferential waistline liposuction.
Patient 2

Male with belly fat and love handles that he desired reduced.
Power-assisted abdominal and flank liposuction.

Male with belly fat and love handles that he desired reduced.
Power-assisted abdominal and flank liposuction.
Patient 3

Desire for reduction of full neck.
Submental and neck liposuction.

Desire for reduction of full neck.
Submental and neck liposuction.
Patient 4

Desire for abdominal reduction without having to resort to a tummy tuck.
Power-assisted abdominal and flank liposuction.

Desire for abdominal reduction without having to resort to a tummy tuck.
Power-assisted abdominal and flank liposuction.
Patient 5

Desire for waistline reshaping.
Power-assisted flank and back liposuction.

Desire for waistline reshaping.
Power-assisted flank and back liposuction.
Patient 6

Desire for abdominal and waistline reduction that does not respond to diet and exercise.
Power-assisted chest, abdominal and flank liposuction.

Desire for abdominal and waistline reduction that does not respond to diet and exercise.
Power-assisted chest, abdominal and flank liposuction.
Patient 7

Thinner female whose desires flatter stomach and waistline.
Power-assisted abdominal and flank liposuction.

Thinner female whose desires flatter stomach and waistline.
Power-assisted abdominal and flank liposuction.
Patient 8

Desire for love handle reduction.
Liposuction of flanks. (love handles)

Desire for love handle reduction.
Liposuction of flanks. (love handles)
Patient 9

Desire for more shapely knees.
Bilateral inner knee liposuction.

Desire for more shapely knees.
Bilateral inner knee liposuction.
Patient 10

Desier for smaller more shapely knees.
Bilateral inner knee and supra patellar liposuction.

Desier for smaller more shapely knees.
Bilateral inner knee and supra patellar liposuction.
Patient 11

Athletic male who desires six pack appearance.
Addominal etching liposuction.

Athletic male who desires six pack appearance.
Addominal etching liposuction.
Patient 12

Desire for love handle reduction.
Bilateral flank (love handle) liposuction.

Desire for love handle reduction.
Bilateral flank (love handle) liposuction.
Patient 13

Desire for love handle reduction that does nor respond to diet and exercise.
Bilateral flank or love handle liposuction.

Desire for love handle reduction that does nor respond to diet and exercise.
Bilateral flank or love handle liposuction.
Patient 14

Desire for reduction of. congenital saddle bags
Power-assisted saddle bag liposuction.

Desire for reduction of. congenital saddle bags
Power-assisted saddle bag liposuction.
Patient 15

Desire for reduction of long-standing saddle bags.
Bilateral liposuction of saddle bags. (outer thighs)

Desire for reduction of long-standing saddle bags.
Bilateral liposuction of saddle bags. (outer thighs)
Patient 16

Desire for inner and outer thigh reduction.
Power-assisted liposuction of inner and outer thigh.

Desire for inner and outer thigh reduction.
Power-assisted liposuction of inner and outer thigh.
Patient 17

Desire for waistline reduction and buttock enlargement.
Power-assisted liposuction of abdomen, flanks and back with fat transfer to the buttocks. (Braziian Butt Lift, BBL surgery)

Desire for waistline reduction and buttock enlargement.
Power-assisted liposuction of abdomen, flanks and back with fat transfer to the buttocks. (Braziian Butt Lift, BBL surgery)
Patient 18

Desire for smaller ones and calfs.
Bilateral inner knee and calf liposuction.

Desire for smaller ones and calfs.
Bilateral inner knee and calf liposuction.
Patient 19

Desire for smaller waistline and love handle reduction.
Liposuction of abdomen and flanks for waistline reduction.

Desire for smaller waistline and love handle reduction.
Liposuction of abdomen and flanks for waistline reduction.
Patient 20

Desire for neck reduction and improved chin projection.
Submental/neck liposuction with chin implant.

Desire for neck reduction and improved chin projection.
Submental/neck liposuction with chin implant.
Patient 21

Desire for facial fat reduction.
Bilateral buccal lipectomies and perioral liposuction.

Desire for facial fat reduction.
Bilateral buccal lipectomies and perioral liposuction.
Patient 22

Desire for reduction of full neck.
Submental and neck liposuction.

Desire for reduction of full neck.
Submental and neck liposuction.
Patient 23

Desire for waistline/love handle liposuction.
Power-assisted abdominal and flank liposuction.

Desire for waistline/love handle liposuction.
Power-assisted abdominal and flank liposuction.
Patient 24

Older male who desire more shapely neck but didn't want a lower facelift.
Submental and neck liposuction.

Older male who desire more shapely neck but didn't want a lower facelift.
Submental and neck liposuction.
Patient 25

Desire for flatter abdomen and reduced waistline.
Power-assisted liposuction of abdomen, flank and pubic areas.

Desire for flatter abdomen and reduced waistline.
Power-assisted liposuction of abdomen, flank and pubic areas.
Patient 26

Desire for reduction of abdominal fullness and love handles.
Power-assisted liposuction of abdomen and flanks.

Desire for reduction of abdominal fullness and love handles.
Power-assisted liposuction of abdomen and flanks.
Patient 27

Desire for removal of submental neck fat.
Small cannula submental liposuction. Notice how the improved shape of the neck makes the chin look more pronounced.

Desire for removal of submental neck fat.
Small cannula submental liposuction. Notice how the improved shape of the neck makes the chin look more pronounced.
Patient 28

Desie for reduction of love handles and back fat.
Power-assisted liposuction of flanks and back.

Desie for reduction of love handles and back fat.
Power-assisted liposuction of flanks and back.
Patient 29

Desire for love handle and back fat reduction.
Power-assisted liposuction of flanks and back.

Desire for love handle and back fat reduction.
Power-assisted liposuction of flanks and back.
Patient 30

Desire for less neck wattle. She opted for only liposuction although she ideally should have a necklift done.
Liposuction of the neck.

Desire for less neck wattle. She opted for only liposuction although she ideally should have a necklift done.
Liposuction of the neck.
Patient 31

Desire for less abdominal fullness and more shape.
Power-assisted abdominal liposuction.

Desire for less abdominal fullness and more shape.
Power-assisted abdominal liposuction.
Patient 32

Desire for back roll reduction done at the same time as her extended tummy tuck.
Power-assisted liposuction of back rolls.

Desire for back roll reduction done at the same time as her extended tummy tuck.
Power-assisted liposuction of back rolls.
Patient 33

Desire to reduce love handles.
Power-assisted flank liposuction.

Desire to reduce love handles.
Power-assisted flank liposuction.
Patient 34

Desire for secondary abdominal liposuction after tummy tuck surgery.
Small cannula liposuction for abdominal flap thinning.

Desire for secondary abdominal liposuction after tummy tuck surgery.
Small cannula liposuction for abdominal flap thinning.
Patient 35

Desire for reduction in size of love handles.
Bilateral power-assisted flank liposuction.

Desire for reduction in size of love handles.
Bilateral power-assisted flank liposuction.
Patient 36

Older female who wanted liposuction but not a tummy tuck.
While liposuction can reduce abdominal fullness, it can not make smooth skin in the patient who has excess loose skin as well. The skin will retract only so much which is why a tummy tuck would have been a better choice if one is willing to go through a bigger surgery.

Older female who wanted liposuction but not a tummy tuck.
While liposuction can reduce abdominal fullness, it can not make smooth skin in the patient who has excess loose skin as well. The skin will retract only so much which is why a tummy tuck would have been a better choice if one is willing to go through a bigger surgery.
Patient 37

Desire for reduction of abdomen and waistline.
Power-assisted liposuction of abdomen and waistline.

Desire for reduction of abdomen and waistline.
Power-assisted liposuction of abdomen and waistline.
Patient 38

Desire for reduction of love handles.
Flank liposuction with full tummy tuck on front.

Desire for reduction of love handles.
Flank liposuction with full tummy tuck on front.
Patient 39

Desire for reduction of hump on back of neck.
Buffalo hump reduction with power-assisted liposuction.

Desire for reduction of hump on back of neck.
Buffalo hump reduction with power-assisted liposuction.
Patient 40

Thigh and knee soft tissue redundancies after a large amount of weight loss.
Thigh liposuction with vertical knee lifts. One month and one year results shown.

Thigh and knee soft tissue redundancies after a large amount of weight loss.
Thigh liposuction with vertical knee lifts. One month and one year results shown.
Patient 41

Desire for less full/heavy neck.
Neck reduction with submental/neck/jawline small cannula liposuction

Desire for less full/heavy neck.
Neck reduction with submental/neck/jawline small cannula liposuction
Patient 42

Desire for reduced abdominal and love handle fullness.
Power-assisted liposuction of abdomen and flanks removing 2,000ccs of aspirate.

Desire for reduced abdominal and love handle fullness.
Power-assisted liposuction of abdomen and flanks removing 2,000ccs of aspirate.
Patient 43

This tall male who desired abdominal definition.
Abdominal etching by linear liposuction to try and create a 6-pack appearance.

This tall male who desired abdominal definition.
Abdominal etching by linear liposuction to try and create a 6-pack appearance.

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
Contact Us:
Phone: (317) 706-4444
WhatsApp: (317) 941-8237