Is There A Cheek Dimple Surgery That Can Make One Even Deeper?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I am seeking an ‘enhanced’ cheek dimple surgery. I already have one existing dimple on my right cheek. Can cheek dimple surgery enhance it and make it more prominent?
A: An existing cheek dimple already has the anatomic features that make it visible, an underlying defect in the buccinator muscle and a tethering of the skin down towards it. To enhance an existing cheek dimple (make it deeper and more pronounced) it is just a matter of removing some tissue between the dimple skin and the underlying muscle and placing a percutaneous suture to bring the skin further in to make it more deeper or more indented. This is a procedure that can be done in the office under local anesthesia.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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