Is Liposuction Adequate For A Double Chin Correction?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I am hoping to set up a consultation with you to discuss the possibility of undergoing chin/neck liposuction for double chin. This is something I am quite self conscious about and have considered off and on for years. I am not overweight, but regardless of my weight over the years, I have always had it. I am actually a nurse at one of the local hospitals where you work and have cared for many, many of your patients! Although I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you in person, I have worked very closely with your team of residents, fellows, and fellow staff physicians. I spoke at length yesterday regarding the matter with one of the local plastic surgeons. He explained to me the risks and benefits, length of time I would be out of commission, and what to expect with results. He is on board if I am. But with all procedures, especially cosmetic ones, I know that it is important to get multiple opinions. I am just curious to hear what you think as well.
Please let me know at your earliest convenience!
A: When it comes to double chin correction the question is not whether you can undergo liposuction of the submental and neck region, it is just how effective it would be in achieving the goal of reducing/eliminating the double chin. There are numerous components that make up a double chin which include the fat layers (subcutaneous and/or subplatysmal), amount of bony chin/jawline projection and the tightness or laxity of the platysmal and hyoid musculature. Knowing what anatomic elements comprise the problem will allow one to choose the best treatment. If all of the double chin problem is subcutaneous fat, then simple liposuction will suffice. But if there are other elements that contribute to the double chin then the result from liposuction may be less than completely satisfactory.
Without seeing pictures of you, I can not say how any of these anatomic/diagnostic considerations may apply.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
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