How Is Head Widening Surgery Done?
Q: Dr. Eppley, is there are any possibility of augmenting the side of the head? I want to augment thia area…is it possible…and whic type of material use for this is silicone implant or PMMA? If i use silicone implant is there any possibility of infection?If silicone implants are used, is the temporal muscle shaved and placed under it or is there no need to shave the muscle, just cut the top layer of skin and place it between the muscle and the skin?
A:In answer to your head widening implant questions:
1) I believe you are referring to the attached upper head widening image effect.
2) This is an augmentation that covers bone in its superior half and muscle in its inferior half. PMMA, besides being a highly inferior skull augmentation material can never be used to augment muscle. Only a custom silicone implant design will work for this type of skull augmentation. Any form of implant surgery carries the risk of infection, the material used does not change that risk.
Dr. Barry Eppley
World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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