How Effective Is Flank Liposuction For Men?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I have been interested in liposuction for years because I feel my love handles / flanks make me look terrible. I knows I need to lose about 20 lbs but am not motivated because I believe the flanks will never go away. Admittedly even in basic training 20 years ago when I was very lean, but still had flanks. With that said, it has been a dream of mine to remove the ‘love handles’ even if it meant still having a little belly. My hope is that this change would motivate me to lose enough where I am happier with myself. I am 5’ 9″ and 195 lbs and still have decent muscle mass for age 39. With all that being said, how much could I realistically expect to have removed? Thank you for your assistance and honest feedback.
A: The flanks are one area of the body where the most aggressive liposuction can be done in a man or a woman because there is virtually no risk of any skin irregularities. Flank and back skin is fairly thick so it contracts down very well, particularly in men. I could not give an estimate as to how much fat can be removed unless I could see some pictures of the problem areas. Computer imaging can be done to give you a good idea as to what the result would like. Flank or lovehandle liposuction takes about one hour to perform under general anesthesia.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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