How Does a Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation Work?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I first contacted you in March and have taken awhile to get a consultation scheduled. I am now down to Breastfeeding once a day, so even though my breasts don’t look exactly like they will once I’m completely done, I thought maybe I would still be able to get a good idea about what I need/want. As you’ll see in the pics, my right one is bigger. It is by far my dominant breast where Breastfeeding is concerned. I didn’t realize just HOW bad they look until I took these pictures!! Talk about being even more depressed. Lol. Anyway, I’ve been looking at doctors who offer the Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation as I have a 1, 3 and 5 year old. I see now from the pictures that I may need a lift as well as implants. I’m very interested in the teardrop shaped moderate profile textured gummy bear implants. Ones with a warranty is preferred. Also, will I be screened prior to the surgery to make sure there are no cancerous lumps or anything? Any info you can give would be great!
A: In looking at your pictures, if you go large enough with the implants I am not sure that you absolutely needs a lift. But you has a lot of skin and it will take substantial volume to fill it out. If you go with a ‘small’ breast implant size, then some type of lift/skin reduction will be needed.
In regards to our breast asymmetry, while two different size breast implants can be used, you are going to have to accept that there will always be some asymmetry between your breasts. Implants alone will not completely solve most breast asymmetry issues.
Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation uses a combination of early arm range of motion with intraoperative muscle injections to return the patient back to their normal life as soon as possible after surgery.
All breast implants have warranties that come from the manufacturer. These include lifelong implant replacement for device failure and a ten year from surgery contribution towards surgical cost ($3600) plus free implant replacement.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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