How Can My Neck After A Quicklift Be improved?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I had a “QuickLift” on March 17th 2014. This did not include a submentoplasty however the Doctor did address the platysmal bands during surgery. Photo number 3 is how I looked post surgery 7 days. I was elated. Since then there is now lax skin under my neck along with very slight jowling. (See following emails for photos taken about a week ago) I approached the Doctor and was he agreed I was in need of a revision and wants to do a submentoplasty using a 4 to 5 inch incision. I can’t do it and am hoping for revision with a small incision under my chin. Then I found you. The last thing I wanted to think about was more surgery. I am praying a submentoplasty with a small incision will address the issues. My goal is to look like my early after surgery picture with a firm neck and jowls with a youthful contour. What are your thoughts?
A: While I do not have any idea as to what you looked like before your Quicklift, the neck problem that you now have is excessive skin and prominent platysmal bands. This has occurred for one main reason…you had excessive neck skin initially and the Quicklift has merely unmasked this issue. (and maybe even made it worse) As the neck was defatted by liposuction (which I assume you had done) the hope was that your skin would shrink back down and tighten and no formal neck work would be needed. That unfortunately has not happened.
What I know unequivocally is that no form of a submentoplasty, regardless of the incision size, will significantly improve your neck. The only method to get your neck like you would like (smooth neck and jawline) is to do the one thing that you have tried to avoid from the beginning…a formal lower facelift. Anything less will be a waste of surgery and money.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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