How Can I Reduce My Protruding Chin When I Smile?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I want to reduce the appearance of my masculine appearance of my chin and the deep crease, I dislike how long it looks when I smile, and I do want to keep the sharpness with a more soft, feminine approach, kind of like Kylie Jenner.

A: It is important to understand that the chin pictures you have shown are of a dynamic concern (chin pad ptosis) while surgery is a static non-dynamic procedure. Thus the only assured surgical change would be what the chin looks like at rest or in a non-dynamic state. It is from these pictures, front anf side, can only make for a more accurate assessment of what can be done.

Dynamic chin pad ptosis may be improved by static chin reduction procedures. But it is important to point that such dynamic changes are less predictable since the surgery is done in a static moving state.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon