How Can I Make My Forehead Wider And Camouflage Prominent Zygomatic Arches?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I have a rather prominent zygomatic arch, it doesn’t really bother me or anything, but what really bothers me is the fact that my front part of the skull is quite narrow compared to the proportion of the zygomatic arch protuberance, which makes my face have kind of unevenly shaped, by starting wider and progressively narrowing as it goes, forming an irregular oval face, so my question is: 

It is possible, through a cranioplasty intervention, to widen my cranial frontal laterals, in order to straighten the sides and muffle the protuberance of the zygomatic arch, following the same width or so, nothing too exaggerated of course, but making the change. 

I uploaded 2 photo references of what I am trying to look after.

A: You are specifically referring to a family of head widening implants that I commonly perform that run the spectrum of standard anterior temporal implants to custom extended temporal head widening implants. (see attached implant designs) Based on your pictures and description of aesthetic needs it would probably be very similar to the anterior head widening implant design in the 3 to 4mm range of maximal thickness.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World Renowned Plastic Surgeon