How Can I Make My Face More Defined?

Q:Dr. Eppley, ‘m a 21 year old man and I’d like to improve my jaw and midface as much as possible aesthetically. I got infraorbital rim implants two years ago but I still seem to lack definition around my midface. My face looks “blobby” to me. I want it to to look sharper, with more hollow cheeks, just more masculine all-around. I’ve never had any work on my jaw- my main thought is a wraparound jaw implant but I’ll probably also need midface implants to achieve what I hope to. Please look at my pictures, I trust that you’ll have a good idea of what to do. Thank you. I’ll be in touch.

A: Your assumptions are correct in that you need cheek and jawline implants to improve your facial definition. Your existing infraorbital rim implants are small so I would not have expected them to make a big difference in improving overall facial definition.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World Renowned Plastic Surgeon