How Can I Make My Cupid’s Bow Less Pronounced?

Q: Dr. Eppley, ! love your work. i’ve had a liplift before and i dont love my lips, specifcially the cupids bow area. it feels very “unsupported”. i also wish my bottom lip was bigger downwards, which lip filler doesnt really do.

i was wondering if you have any techniques that could inprove my lips? i was thinking perhaps a lip implant to round out the top? i attached pics of what i have and what i want. thank you!

A: What you seeking is a cupid’s bow reduction or a smooth non-indented area between the two peaks of the cupid’s bow. In essence a smooth  vermiliion-cutaneous border across the  lip. This can not be achieved by fillers or an implant.  There are two techniques to try and achieve that effect. One approach is to excise the skin between the cupid’s bow and advance the vermilion into the excised area. (central vermilion advancement) The other approach is to excise the peaks of the cupid’s bow . The choice between the two depends on how sharpo the cupid’sd bow peaks are, the depth of the skin indentation between the two cupid’s bow peaks and the size of the upper lip. For your upper lip I would recommend tye central excision and vermilion advancement based on your upper lip shape. (see attached) Because of the notch in the smile line of your upper lip a small Internal V-Y  will help with the central vermilion advancement.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon