How Can I Improve My Lower Lip Tightness After A Sliding Genioplasty?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I had a chin implant removal and a sliding genioplasty performed in its place. It has been almost 8months and I continue to feel a lot of tightness/ stiffness under around the lower lip.

If I place a finger on a pinpoint location under the lower lip and hold it there it relieves the discomfort and I can move my mouth freely. But when I remove the finger it feels constantly stiff and tight as if a very tight elastic band is clasping into my skin.

During my research I saw that Dr Eppley has a lot of experience with this. What does the doctor recommend for me 

A: Intraoral plate removal with dermal-fat graft is the usual treatment for lower lip tightness/sensitivity after a sliding genioplasty.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World Renowned Plastic Surgeon