How Can I Get Rid Of My Large Squishy Chin Pad?
Q: Dr. Eppley, My chin has been growing with time I feel like it might be due to weight gain as well it shrink and grows sometimes slightly with my weight and sleep I have no idea but it’s squishy and I’m always so insecure of it and I was wondering if you have answers for it or what I can do to get rid of it.
A:With a deep labiomental fold and a bulbous soft tissue chin I can see that there is a likely mismatch between the size of the chin bone and the overlying soft tissue chin pad. That can only be improved by a submental chin pad reduction. The key to how successful that reduction would be depends on how mobile the soft tissue chin pad is…..which would be evident by grabbing it and seeing how much it moves as well as does it pull down when smiling.
Dr. Barry Eppley
World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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