How Can I Get Rid Of A Chronic Seroma After A Tummy Tuck?

Q: Dr. Eppley, had a tummy tuck/lipo 360 last May and I believe fluid has gathered, not just fat in the pubic area causing it to be enlarged and raised. I have read online you have a treatment for this as an outpatient, and I need a consultation.

A: Chronic untreated seromas can result in a bursa cavity which in a tummy tuck will end up low and in the center. The definitive treatment is to open part of the tummy tuck incision, excise the entire bursa lining and then quilt by suture the excised tissue cavity down with or withoiut a drain.

These are  basic plastic surgery principles so I would assume your surgeon can make the diagnosis and perform the necessary surgical intervention.

Dr. Barty Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon