How Can I Fix My Long Chin?

Q: Dr. Eppley,. I am 23 and have questions regarding my jaw, more specifically the lower jaw/chin. My chin, or at least the part of my jaw below my lower lip, is very long. From a side profile, it also seems to have plenty of downward growth, compared to a more desirable forward angle. I was wondering if my aesthetics could be largely improved through some sort of chin reduction, or if the correct procedure would be something like a full jaw surgery.

Basically, not only do I want the vertical length of my chin to be shortened, but I also want that to be reflected in a sideway angle, so that my jawline looks more forward projected. I attached a photo of a close friend that I would say have an “ideal” lower jaw, although I am of course no expert in aesthetics. The rest of the attached images is me, and I would like your opinion on what seems reasonable and possible results I could expect. If nothing can be done in my case I understand that as well.

A: In the vertically long but horizontally short chin, an intraoral vertical reduction bony genioplasty is needed. In this surgery (see attached) a vertical edge of bone is removed and the lower chin bone is moved forward and upward into a new more forward and vertically shorter position. It may never be as vertically short as that of your friend’s chin but it will be significantly better.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon