Brow Lift
Patient 1

Desire to improve the shape of the brows and open up the eyes.
Endoscopic browlift with upper blepharoplasties.

Desire to improve the shape of the brows and open up the eyes.
Endoscopic browlift with upper blepharoplasties.
Patient 2

Desire for improvement of saggy brows and tired eyes.
Pretrichial (hairline) browift.

Desire for improvement of saggy brows and tired eyes.
Pretrichial (hairline) browift.
Patient 3

Older female with severe brow ptosis that pushes down on her upper eyelids and obstructs her vision.
Pretrichial browlift to open up her upper file of vision.

Older female with severe brow ptosis that pushes down on her upper eyelids and obstructs her vision.
Pretrichial browlift to open up her upper file of vision.
Patient 4

Desire for improved periorbital appearance and to look more well rested.
Pretrichial browift with upper and lower blepharoplasties.

Desire for improved periorbital appearance and to look more well rested.
Pretrichial browift with upper and lower blepharoplasties.
Patient 5

Desire for improvement of heavy and tired eye appearance.
Pretrichial browlift with upper blepharoplasties.

Desire for improvement of heavy and tired eye appearance.
Pretrichial browlift with upper blepharoplasties.
Patient 6

Desire for less tired and aged upper third of the face.
Pretrichial browlift with upper blepharoplasties.

Desire for less tired and aged upper third of the face.
Pretrichial browlift with upper blepharoplasties.
Patient 7

Desire for less aged and tired eye appearance.
Pretrichial browlift.

Desire for less aged and tired eye appearance.
Pretrichial browlift.
Patient 8

Desire for less tired eye appearance.
Endoscopic browlift.

Patient 9

Desire for less tired and aged upper third of teh face.
Pretichial browift with upper and lower blepharoplasties.

Desire for less tired and aged upper third of teh face.
Pretichial browift with upper and lower blepharoplasties.
Patient 10

Desire for elevated tail of the brow and outer corner of the eye for the Cat Eye Look.
Bilateral temporal browlifts with lateral canthopexies.

Desire for elevated tail of the brow and outer corner of the eye for the Cat Eye Look.
Bilateral temporal browlifts with lateral canthopexies.
Patient 11

Desire for rejuvenated eye appearance.
Pretrichial browlift.

Patient 12

Desire for rejuvenated eye appearance with heavy brows and upper eyelids.
Pretrichial browlift with bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasties.

Desire for rejuvenated eye appearance with heavy brows and upper eyelids.
Pretrichial browlift with bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasties.
Patient 13

Desire for improvement of heavy eye appearance.
Transpalpebral (endocrine) browlift with upper blepharoplasties.

Desire for improvement of heavy eye appearance.
Transpalpebral (endocrine) browlift with upper blepharoplasties.
Patient 14

Desire for rejuvenated brow appearance.
Endoscopic browlift.

Patient 15

Desire for improvement of heavy brow appearance.
Pretrichial browlift.

Desire for improvement of heavy brow appearance.
Pretrichial browlift.
Patient 16

Desire for tired eye appearance.
Pretrichial browlift and upper blepharoplasties.

Desire for tired eye appearance.
Pretrichial browlift and upper blepharoplasties.
Patient 17

Desire for rejuvenated eye appearance.
Pretrichial browlift with upper and lower blepharoplasties.

Desire for rejuvenated eye appearance.
Pretrichial browlift with upper and lower blepharoplasties.
Patient 18

Desire for improvement of aging eye appearance.
Pretrichial browlift with upper and lower blepharoplasties.

Desire for improvement of aging eye appearance.
Pretrichial browlift with upper and lower blepharoplasties.
Patient 19

Desire for improvement of heavy eye appearance.
Pretrichial browlift.

Desire for improvement of heavy eye appearance.
Pretrichial browlift.
Patient 20

Desire for more open eye appearance.
Endoscopic browlift. technique.

Desire for more open eye appearance.
Endoscopic browlift. technique.
Patient 21

Desire for a more refreshed look.
Pretrichial browlift combined with upper and lower blepharoplasties.

Desire for a more refreshed look.
Pretrichial browlift combined with upper and lower blepharoplasties.
Patient 22

Desire for temporal browlift with more convex forehead shape.
Temporal lift with customs forehead implant placement.

Desire for temporal browlift with more convex forehead shape.
Temporal lift with customs forehead implant placement.

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
Contact Us:
Phone: (317) 706-4444
WhatsApp: (317) 941-8237