For A 3cm Frontal Hairline Advancement How Long Do I Need To Have The Scalp Expander In?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in forehead advancement as well as shaping. I have a high hairline and vertical central bossing of the forehead. I believe my hairline would need at least 3 cm of advancement so likely would need tissue expansion. Can you provide me with a general idea of timing for an appt and treatment initation and generally how long does it take and number of visits needed for scalp tissue expansion. Thank you

A: In answer to your questions about a two stage hairline advancement procedure:

1) All scalp expander injections  are done by the patient at home.

2) The time interval between the placement of a the tissue expander and the hairline advancement is 6 to 8 weeks.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon