Does Drug Therapy for Breast Implant Capsular Contracture Work?
Q: My initial breast augmentation was over ten years ago. Two years later, my left breast implant suddenly ruptured. I have had my current saline Mentor Round textured implants in since then and have recently noticed some slight soreness and what seems to be a section that is possibly hardening in the center, all of this is in the left breast again. I do not want to have revision surgery if it is not necessary at this point. I realize that I will again as I am only 35. I am not against it if it is recomended now,I just want to prolong the life of my implants as long as possible. I have read that there are some asthma medications that have been used to treat early stages of capsular contracture with some success. I would like advice on treatment, either trying out the asthma medication or revision surgery or waiting it out to see. I really need advice on what is needed in my situation, an educated opinion would be greatly appreciated. I look to you because your video says you do not believe in selling the surgery, you listen and help clients make informed decisions. That is exactly what I need right now. Thank you very much.
A: Capsular contracture is far less frequent today due to improved implants and the general trend of placing the breast implant under the pectoralis muscle. Even when it was far more prevalent, what causes this excessive scarring and potential breast distortion is not well understood. When medical conditions are not well understood that usually means the treatment(s) for it does not work that well either. Capsular contraction treatment consist only of release and excision (surgery) or a drug medication. The use of Singular, an asthma medication, has been reported to have some success with preventing recurrent capsular contracture. These reports are largely anectodal and are not the result of information of a controlled clinical trial nor is it FDA-approved for this use. From those that report some success with it, it is in the use after a capsulotomy or capsule excision and is given with the intent of prevention. I am not aware that it has any effect on an ongoing or pre-exiting capsular contracture.
Because Singular is expensive and unproven in established or progressive capsular contracture, I would not recommend its use in your case. If the capsular contracture is significant, then surgery should be performed. If it is only minor, which it sounds like, then I would wait it out and see if it becomes more severe.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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