Do Silicone Breast Implants Have An Increased Rate of Capsular Contracture?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in breast augmentation surgery and am having trouble deciding between saline vs silicone implants. I know there are numerous differences between them but one specific question I have is about capsular contracture. Does silicone implants lead to a higher rate of capsular contracture problems than saline implants?
A: One of the risks of breast augmentation surgery is capsular contracture. Capsular contracture is the result of excessive scar tissue forming around the implant. Then like a shrink wrap, it tightens around the implant causing it to feel more firm and can also distort the shape and position of the implant.
Historically silicone gel implants were associated with a higher rate of capsular contracture problems. This occurred because the implant allowed for some of the gel material to get through and out into the breast tissue (gel bleed) leading to the soft tissue reaction known as capsular contracture. In addition there was a moderately high rate of silicone implant rupture which exposed a lot of the gel material to the breast tissues. By comparison, today’s newer silicone gel implants do not have any significant gel bleed and a much lower rate of implant rupture. (less than 1% in the first five years for one manufacturer) Thus, silicone gel breast implants of 2014 are much improved designs over those used in 1989 with a much lower rate of capsular contracture.
The other issue that has led to a dramatic drop in capsular contracture problems over the past two decades has been the change in implant position. Today the vast majority of breast implants are placed in a partial submuscular (dual plane) position. Decades ago it was far more common for implants to be placed above the muscle (subglandular) position. Submuscular breast implants have a known lower risk of capsular contracture rate.
While the risk of capsular contracture always exist with any type of breast implant, it is a very low risk today with the use of either silicone gel or saline implants placed in either a total submuscular or dual plane pocket position.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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