Do Malar Implants Sag Over Time?
Q: Dr. Eppley, Are malar cheek implants considered soft tissue augmentation? Are porous implants mainly used for submalar or malar cheek implants? Do malar cheek implants sag with time if not screwed in? Sorry if I am asking so many questions! Thanks!
A: Malar or cheek implants are onlay bone implants that create overlying soft tissue augmentation by pushing from beneath it. Porous or Medpor implants are one type of facial implant (silicone being the other) that can be used for facial augmentation. The material has certain advantages and disadvantage compared to silicone, which neither makes it better or worse than silicone in overall implant characteristics. Malar implants may shift or move from their original implanted position over time if not secured into position by screw fixation. (I would not call that sag but implant displacement)
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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