Do I Need A Custom Temporal Implants?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in making my forehead wider and more squarer to balance out the width of my new custom jaw implants that will be placed in about a months time. I have booked in for temporal implants at this stage but not forehead as I don’t think my doctor or any doctors here are quite familiar with the procedure. I wanted to know if it is ok to request to my doctor to use Medpor temporal implants? This is because I had a look at the Medpor catalogue and have found that the Medpor brand offered a significantly BIGGER size compared to the silicone ones offered my Implantech (which my doctor will use). Medpor ones go up to 20mm in augmentation. I’ve read your resource millions of times (very helpful) and want to know do temple implants sit only on top of the soft tissue or can the implant itself be placed higher if the implant overlaps onto the bone? Or is that something a custom made forehead implant would fix? If so are there any off the shelf forehead implants available on the market to widen the forehead?
I also wanted to know if I was certain that I need a forehead augmentation in future are temporal implants necessary? Or are they needed along WITH forehead augmentation. I just don’t want to waste my money on temple implants if a custom made forehead implant will fix both areas.
A: I would never use Medpor temporal implants myself. They are too big, are very difficult to modify and are very difficult to remove should that ever be desired. (and there should be a high probability that they would) No one ever needs a temporal augmentation that requires a 20mm thick implant. They are simply too big for most cases and were initially designed for patients that suffered significant temporal muscle atrophy from neurosurgical procedures not for patients that want a pure aesthetic augmentation with a normal tenporalis muscle.
If you are seeking a temporal augmentation that reaches the high temporal region to make the forehead wider as well, only a custom designed temporal-forehead implant can achieve that aesthetic change. No current implant style, Medpor or silicone, are made to create that look as a ‘catalog’ item.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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