Deltoid Implants
Q: Dr. Eppley, You said that there is no deltoid implants but I found on internet that there is. I know about people get implants to their arms and belly to have muscles and six packs. so what kind of implants is it and can it be used for implants for the deltoid? o beside fat transfer/fat implants to the deltoid, is there any implants for the deltoid? Thank you.
A: What I said was that there are no preformed off-the-shelf deltoid implants that are made specifically for the deltoid/shoulder area. This is the same for other arm implants as well such as the biceps and triceps. The only body implants besides breasts that are commerically made are for pectoral, buttock and calf implants. It is unlikely that other body implants will be commercially made in the near future given their low demand. That does not mean that deltoid, bicep or tricep implants are not done as they are and I have done them as well. What is used for all arm and shoulder implants are the different sizes for calf implants. They are soft long and oblong and usually the small or medium size works well for the deltoid area. There soft silicone elastomer helps simulate muscle tissue which they are designed to augment.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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