Can My Pulsating Facial Artery Be Ligated?

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hi. I have a facial artery on the left side near the corner of my mouth that is visibly protruding and noticeably pulsating. I have seen a vascular doctor on a few appointments and after close examination, ultrasound, and CT Scan, he has concluded that it is indeed a Facial Artery with Prominent Pulsations. It has become socially uncomfortable and is effecting my occupation/employment. Upon research we learned that this specific facial artery condition is something Dr. Eppley has experience with. Thank you

A: This is a classic presentation off a prominent loop of the facial artery its bifurcation point into the lip and nasolabial fold area. Why it occurs is unknown but I have seen and treated a handful of these cases. Successful ligation/loop removal can be done through a small incision directly over it.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon