Can My Medpor Cheek Implants Be Safely Removed?

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hi, If I go see you to remove Medpor cheek implant for 10 years, can you guarantee their removal without causing serious damage? By that I would me only being paid if they are removed? I’m asking because I am right now with a surgeon who wants to be paid but told me it can happen that they are not removable after 10 years. If so, how much do you charge to remove them?

A: All Medpor facial implants are removeable, I have never seen one that can’t be removed and I have removed hundreds. The time of implantation is irrelevant. Once the tissue ingrowth has occurred after the first 6 to 8 weeks tissue ingrowth is complete and whatever challenges exist in their removal is the same at 3 months as it is at 3 or 30 years.

There are no guarantees in surgery other than the surgeon will try heir best to remove them with the least  local trauma as possible.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World Renowned Plastic Surgeon