Can Malar and SubMalar Cheek Implants Be Combined?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I understand that malar and sub-malar facial implants can be used to add volume, 3-dimension and contour to the face. Initially the imaging you provided showed the malar implants only, I think? I am interested to know if the sub-malar implants can be added as well, and more laterally, to camoflauge the slighly hollow buccal area of my face.
Can you please also explain to me the use of paranasal implants? I understand these are largely popular in Asia.
In your opinion, would they assist in the roundening and softening of my face as a whole?
You mentioned the chin augmentation I did may have produced an extreme result, compared to what is actually achievable? Do you think I would notice a measurable reduction in both the width and length of my chin with the sliding genioplasty?
A: What I previously showed was the use of malar implants in your face. The combination of malar and submalar implants is known as malar shells. That would extend the fullness into the underlying buccal space right below the prominence of the cheek bone.
Paranasal implants are designed to add fullness to the base of the nose or push it out further. They are common in Asians because they naturally have a flatter mid face throughout. I can not tell if they would be of benefit to you without looking at picture of your face from different angles, like the side view and the three-quarter or oblique. Midface augmentation in general requires a more 3D type assessment not just a flat 2D picture from the front view.
As for our chin reduction/narrowing, what you had demonstrated was a bit too sharp and extreme which is not surgically possible. But an osseous genioplasty (not a sliding one) can reduce the height of the chin as well as make it more narrow through vertical and midline bone removal.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

North Meridian Medical Building
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Suite 310
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