Can I Have Frontal Bossing Reduction Done Without A Scalp Incision?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I’m interested in frontal bossing reduction due to my large, square overly protruding forehead. However I don’t want to have hairline advancement yet, possibly in a few years and would rather not have the coronal incision either. I know surgeons use these two incisions to access the upper forehead. Is it possible to reduce this area through the pretrichial incision? I’m a cis woman if that helps. I would also like my orbital bone reduced and I know this area can be reduced via the upper eyelid. Can the forehead or the frontal bossing be reduced partially via this incision also?

Looking forward to you’re reply

A: To clarify incisions used for forehead reductive reshaping:

A pretrichial incision is a frontal hairline incision which is the only way to access the forehead short of a coronal scalp incision.

The upper eyelid incisions accesseds the tail of the brow bone only, it is not adequate for forehead reduction.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon