Can I Get One Side Of Medpor Jaw Implants Reduced Over Ten Years After They Were Placed?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I had Medpor jaw implants in 2012. In comparing the two sides of my face there is a marked ‘bump’ where the implant is. The goal would be to produce smoother jaw line, to the extent possible (compare with the other side of the face). My fingers show the beginning and end of the implant.

I expect a small reduction in thickness should be enough, but along most of the implant length.There are still screws inside. My doctor said that they can now be removed (during the surgery) The implant on this side feels less regular to my finger. Especially the bottom-outside edge feels sharper and more ‘to the outside’ (this edge is causing the prominence), while the implant on the other side appears more closely following the natural bone.

Very much looking forward to a reply.

A:If I interpret these pictures properly what you are seeking is a width reduction of the implant with a length located between your two fingers along the jawline to which I can say:

1) That cannot be done from the submental incision. It is one thing to put the implant in that way but you are never going to revise that areas of the implant from that approach.

2) This would have to be done from an intraoral approach a direct incision on the bottom edge of the implant to do so..

3) At the location of the most anterior part of the implant lies the exit of the mental nerve from the bone. (marked on your picture as a red vertical line) You would be wise to stay away from that part of the implant to avoid any risk of permanent numbness of the lower lip.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon