Can I Get A Monobloc Facial Advancement As An Adult?

Q: Dr. Eppley, . thank you for all the great work you’ve done. I read your articles on the midfacial mask implant, and i’d like your opinion on the following surgical plan: (1) first I will get a lefort 4 (monobloc advancement), to move essentially the entire skull forward. I was going to get a lefort 3 done at first but the monobloc will produce a better “hunter eyes effect” as it will move the whole orbital bone forward. Can you recommend me a skilled surgeon for this? I already found a few in the UK, but I would trust your suggestion more. (2) then after I recover from The monobloc I will have you install your midfacial mask implant. I look forward to hearing your opinion.

A: I think you will find it very difficult if not impossible to find any surgeon that would do a LeFort III or mono bloc advancement in an adult for aesthetic purposes. While the surgery may seem like a carpentry project on.a skeletal diagram there are major risks for this type of surgery not to mention the numerous adverse aesthetic sequelae from it.

Dr. Barty Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon