Can Gynecomastia Reduction and Pectoral Implants Be Dione At The Same Time?

Q: Dr. Eppley, Can gynecomastia surgery be combined with chest implants as I think I need both.

A: Thank you for sending your pictures. In your case you could do gynecomastia reduction surgery with pectoral implants and the reality is you really can’t have one by itself with a satisfactory aesthetic result. Your chest lacks volume and has sagging so dual need is present. With teh use of implants y9ur gynecomastia reduction needs (based on pictures alone obviously) would be liposuction with a superior crescent nipple lift. I can not tell at a distance if there is a distinct mass underneath the nipple or not. If there is then this would also require its excision as well.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon