Can Custom Testicle Implants and Buried Penis Repair Be Done At The Same Time?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am inquiring about the procedures for buried penis and testicular implants. I am 58 years old. Over the years my testicles have shrunk in size to the point where I have one testicle that is about 3.0 cm and the other is about 2.0 cm. The smaller one is sometimes hard to find due to its size. Does this situation sound like I am a good candidate for the displacement procedure? I think I have the required amount of space in the scrotal sac. If it is possible, I am interested in custom 7.5 cm testicle implants pending whether my scrotum has the space for them.

A: While in anatomic proximity and that surgical correction can be done at the same time your two objectives, testicular enhancement and buried penis repair, are very different. You are correct in that with small testicle sizes of 2 and 3 cms the implant displacement method will work very well. Whether your scrotum can accommodate the implant size of 7.5cms can never be known before surgery and we have to accept that inraoperative implant adjustment may be necessary if they don’t. 

Buried penis repair can be done by either suprapubic liposuction, penile release and lengthening or both. What is best for you requires a picture assessment as well as an actual examination to make that decision. Since I only do the liposuction and not penile surgery I can only offer combined suprapubic liposuction and custom testicle implants in the same surgery.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon