Can Brow Bone Reduction Help With Migraine Headaches?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I have a lot of orbital bossing of the skull which may be pinching the supraorbital nerves causing daily migraine pain. I guess this surgery would be called forehead reconturing/orbital bony contouring/brow bone reduction of that region. I was hoping to get a surgery that could take care of the functional as well as the aesthetic. I have a 3D Ct scan of that region and was wondering what a rough estimate might be for that surgery. Would insurance cover this procedure? I know that the same incision is made across the hairline for both the migraine surgery and the recontouring of the orbital bony area of the forehead. Listed below are descriptions of the surgery I have in mind. Thanks!
1. Forehead reconstruction or cranioplasty where the glabella bone is taken apart, thinned and re-shaped, and reassembled with small titanium wires or titanium microplates and screws.
2. Or the compression technique in appropriate cases where the wall of bone is first thinned and weakened, and then compressed into place. It then heals in the new position.
A: Certainly orbital rim recontouring by brow bone reduction and decompression of the supraorbital nerves can be done at the same time. Only brow bone reduction uses an open scalp incision. Isolated supraorbital nerve decompression for frontal migraines is usually done by an endoscopic limited incision technique. But the open approach does afford great access to the nerves for the best decompression possible.
Most brow bone reductions are best done by an osteoplastic flap technique where the outer table of the frontal sinus is removed, reshaped and then put back in its reshaped form by either resorbables sutures or very plates and screws.
Neither is aesthetic brow bone reshaping or supraorbital nerve decompression for migraines covered by insurance. Prominent brow bones are not a recognized craniofacial deformity by insurance companies. Nerve decompression for migraines is currently viewed as ‘experimental’ surgery without long-term clinical studies to be currently viewed as an approved medical procedure.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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