Can A Titanium Implant Be Used For Jaw Reconstruction?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am a 43 old male who had surgery of my central arch cancer and the  entire lower jaw and lip was removed. I got surgery for jaw reconstruction from fibula bone. But after 10 days blood supply was stopped to jaw and fibula bone was removed. At same time skin grafting surgery was done in mouth. I am still unable to eat, drink properly and talk properly. I am keep medical cotton piece in my mouth becouse of a saliva is come out from mouth. Is a titanium jaw implant possible?

A: Any type of jaw implant, regardless of the material, requires good soft tissue coverage to be successful. With the loss of soft tissue from the cancer resection an implant will not work and the fibular bone flap was the correct  reconstructive procedure…even if it was not successful. Further flap reconstruction efforts are what is needed not an implant.

Dr. Barty Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon